Weight Loss Procedures
We like to get to know you to make sure we understand you and your needs as a patient.
Our team of professionals offer personalised care packages for any weight loss goal.
All our consultant and specialist surgeons are based at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading which is the regional centre for provision of weight loss services.
We also provide weight loss procedures at the Berkshire Independent Hospital, Dunedin Hospital and Circle Reading where fully integrated care pathways are provided for private patients.

Our Weight Loss Procedures
Gastric Band
A gastric band is an adjustable silicon device that is placed surgically around the top of the stomach.
Gastric Bypass
The gastric bypass is an operation that reduces the size of the stomach and creates a new join between the new stomach ‘pouch’ and the small bowel.
Sleeve Gastrectomy
During a sleeve gastrectomy a large portion of the stomach is stapled and removed, leaving behind a stomach ‘tube’ rather than a normal ‘sac’ shaped stomach.
Gastric Balloon
The gastric balloon is a soft silicon expandable device that is placed into the stomach and then inflated with water to a desired volume.
Mini Gastric Bypass
The mini gastric bypass is the newest weight loss surgery
procedure. It has shorter operating times than the conventional gastric bypass.
Revision Surgery
Further surgery is sometimes required in order to maintain and further weight loss, whether that is by a planned 2nd stage procedure or conversion surgery.